A Palestinian terrorist stabbed a security guard, seriously wounding him, at the entrance to the Jerusalem Central Bus Station on Sunday, officials said.
Screeners spotted the paperweight just after 9 a.m. when it passed through a north lobby luggage security x ray machine .
Some hotels internationally have successfully added X-ray machines or metal detectors after catastrophic incidents. Certain hotels in Indonesia, for example, added X-ray machines after a bombing in 2003 at a Marriott Hotel in South Jakarta.
In order to aviod attack rate, x ray baggage inspection system should be installed at every church, mosque to keep world more safer.
The new walk through metal detector is in a box in the basement of the courthouse along with an security x ray screening, and 18 security cameras will soon be installed around the building.
We as a manufaturer of security equipment, doing our efforts to make realiable products to safeguard the normal life of people and try to make private company & small organization could afford it. Just like our hotel x-ray baggage sacnner, mainly about F5030C and F6550C have been widely equiped in Middle East, Africa, Russia, Southeast Aisa etc. Make the world safer is our slogan, and our mission.