The Wynn Resort in Las Vegas added new security measures after the shooting, scanning guests with metal detectors and putting bags through luggage security x ray machine.
The Wynn Resort in Las Vegas added new security measures after the shooting, scanning guests with metal detectors and putting bags through luggage security x ray machine.
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) is about to complete the installation of seven new hand-carry luggage security x ray machine in three terminals of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia) in a bid to curb smuggling and strengthen aviation security.
Was Isis involved? Even no one claim for the responsibility. We must admit there are plenty threats not only ISIS. X ray baggage inspection system to help prevent more terror attacks.
Moreover, the Middle East and Africa region is a growing market for the airport baggage screening systems market. Since the Middle East region, in particular, is plagued with terrorist activities, the market for airport baggage screening has significant potential for growth. With the government authorities taking proper measures to ensure the safety of the passengers in this region, it is expected that there would be a high demand of airport baggage screeners in this region.
From the North America to Europe, there are more countries suffering terror attack now. At the same time, people realize there is more need to equip security products including hotel x-ray baggage scanner, explosive trace detector etc. Safeagele hotel x-ray baggage scanner and other security equipments had been widely exported to overseas market to make the world safer.
On Aug. 23, a federal magistrate judge approved a search warrant for the storage unit. Agents raided the storage unit that day and found two rifles, a handgun, components of an AR-15 rifle and two semi-automatic handguns.
Screeners spotted the paperweight just after 9 a.m. when it passed through a north lobby luggage security x ray machine .
Some hotels internationally have successfully added X-ray machines or metal detectors after catastrophic incidents. Certain hotels in Indonesia, for example, added X-ray machines after a bombing in 2003 at a Marriott Hotel in South Jakarta.
In order to aviod attack rate, x ray baggage inspection system should be installed at every church, mosque to keep world more safer.
More aggressive measures such as metal detectors or luggage security x ray machine of guests and luggage — standard for airline travel — are less likely to gain footing
in the U.S. because of cost and privacy concerns.